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    最新版ECM2001 V6.3 ECM V6.3详细资料

    名 称: 最新版ECM2001 V6.3 ECM V6.3
    编 号: 2010062513061647
    资料格式 资料大小
    版本日期 资料语言
    资料属性 推荐等级 ★★★
    资料类型 正常销售商品 发布时间 2010-6-25 13:01:40
    降价折扣 限购数量
    购物积分 0分 库存数量
    赠送点券 0点 返还现金券 0

    温馨提示:付完款请联系我们:TEL:18688127181  020-28912081  QQ:712720681  微信:18688127181


    资料价格:市场价:¥600/套 商城价:¥600/套 会员价:¥580/套 优惠价:¥600/套


    The software ECM is the base of our production. With only one version it's possible to view and modify the maps in real time, with graph mode, hex mode and tabellar mode. With the driver's help, ECM2001 offers both to advances and beginners the possibility to work with car mapping at the best.

     The software shows in graphic version all data that are into a eprom, producing a graphic where is possible to know the curves of the maps. 
    • A lot of tools are give up to these representation of maps. Don't create someone visualization problems on the maps with 8 bit and with 16 bit. 
    • Zooming and of changing range, the software give you the possibility to effect meticulous modification with high precision. 
    • The software allows the superimposition of two different files to bear comparison and to paste maps from a file to the other. 
    • The software allows the visualization of the spark advance that is in real degree and the visualization of the ratio development. 
    • It's possible limit the number of modification with the use of the mouse to the top ratio development, all this for avoid some mistakes. 
    • The software besides allows the visualization and the modification in real time. 
    • It's possible effect modification with absolute and per cent values. 
    • The user can give up bookmarks for the maps found. 
    • It's possible also delete the modification that you have done if you push a whatever button of your keyboard or if you click with your mouse. 
    • The software visualizes all the hexadecimal value that are into a eprom. 
    • This is a procedure only for advanced users. 
    • You can modify in real time. 
    • It's possible superimpose original file with modified file with exchange on display only you push a button. 
    • The user can give up bookmarks for the map found. 
    • It's possible delete the modification that you have done if you push a button. 
    • It's possible select some parts of the file, you can copy them and paste them. 
    • It' s possible effect modification with absolute values and with per cent values. 
    This is a particular form of visualization, it needs the use of drivers. The drivers are software upgrades of ECM2001.These have got all the informations that the software must know to effect a good modify on the Ecu. Practically the addresses and the sizes of the maps, the areas where effect the calculations for checksum and the other informations are into the drivers.The search of these informations isn't competence of the users but ECM2001.

    The user must simply increase or diminish the values of injection, ignition, turbo pressure, rpm-limiter all this that ECM2001 visualizes.

    The driver finds the map and encloses it in a table according to rpm and load.The place where two values meet give a data that the Pc will use to effect all the calculations for correct work on your engine. If you know rpm and loadyou can find the Exact point to modify.

    Connecting the emulator you will see the trace in real time and you will modify it, turning your attention to the motor during this operation. For some Ecu, with the driver, we give you an other file, it is called .MIX, inside it it's possible effect modify resolving some protection data problems.It's important remeber that the drivers are on our web and you always can download them. You must pay only annual subscription.

    So called....:

    • Numbers visualization of the values inclusive in a table with the indication of rpm and load. 
    • It's possible superimpose the original file with modified file with exchange on dispaly only you push a button. 
    • It' s possible effect modification with absolute values and with per cent values. 
    • It's possible delete the modification that you have done if you push a button. 
    • Graphic visualization of the individual lines and columns. 
    • "copy and paste" of the maps that you have saved before on the new original file. 

    ECM2001 includes some tools like visualization and modify form:

    • Modifies rpm-limiter: works only with drivers and allows visualization the actually rpm and writing of the highest value. You push the button ENTER and the limiter is changed. 
    • Checksum: ECM2001 has got some tools for the check and for reconstruction of checksum and of the Ecu. 
    • Compression and e decompression of the files BCB of the Ecu M155. 
    • Codification and decodification of some files include in Siemens Ecu. 
    • Integration with a web-site that is dedicated for the last updating and assistance on line. 
    • Don't oblige you to use protection modules.


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