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    WinOLS 1.500 (Version 1.500) 完全版详细资料

    名 称: WinOLS 1.500 (Version 1.500) 完全版
    编 号: 2010062110073984
    资料格式 资料大小
    版本日期 资料语言
    资料属性 推荐等级 ★★★
    资料类型 正常销售商品 发布时间 2010-6-21 10:01:38
    降价折扣 限购数量
    购物积分 0分 库存数量
    赠送点券 0点 返还现金券 0

    温馨提示:付完款请联系我们:TEL:18688127181  020-28912081  QQ:712720681  微信:18688127181


    资料价格:市场价:¥600/套 商城价:¥600/套 会员价:¥580/套 优惠价:¥600/套
    “WinOLS (Version 1.500) 完全版(91M)”

    Based on experience gathered with the DOS version of the OLS software a new Windows based program has been developed which continues to provide the user interface that was introduced by its predecessor, so switching to the new version is made easy.

    • Additional features include improved functionality as well as an extended range of display modes.

    • Existing hardware like the OLS200 simulator module and the MP2440(P) EPROM programmer are being supported even when using Windows NT/2000/ XP.

    • You can select either English or German as the interface language and switch between these.

    • The concept of the integrated checksum correction has been kept up. By using DLL files the algorithms were moved out of the main program and thus are independent of the version used.

    • Functions to search for maps and to put them down on the map list makes efficient working a lot easier.

    • The display of raw data takes place in 2D graphic or hex/decimal dump.

    • Maps can be shown as 3D/2D chart or as a table.

    • A 3D preview window makes it easier to find maps

    • Im- and export of binary files, Intel and Motorola-Hexfiles. All types can be zipped, coded and have swapped lines or be sent directly by mail

    • Original and version: For every project the original is stored permanently. Changes will be stored as version (the number of versions is not limited). Changes are displayed in colour and you can restore the original values any time.
      Multilevel undo: Up to 50 editing steps can be undone.
      Scripts for pros: If you work with similar cars, you can store the changes as scripts. This allows you to apply the changes for every new car within seconds.
      Automatic comments: You can enter comments for every project and every version. Further more they are automatically commented when you import or create new versions.
      Online project search: Our online-database can automatically fill in the fields like producer, chassis, etc. Several other fields, like Bosch number will even be filled in automatically when you're offline.
      Complete overview: The project overview shows all your projects in a configurable and searchable list. Within the fraction of a second, even if you have hundreds of projects.
      Versions: For every project you can create as many versions as like. The version over shows which maps are changed in which version.
      Open for other projects: WinOLS can import and export binary data, Intel- and Motorola-Hexfiles. Entire maps and the map list can be exported to Microsoft Excel. Maps can be ex and imported from a project.
      Accept changes: Copy the best changes from old projects. Even if the maps were moved to a different position, they will still be automatically recognized.
      Extensive help: Texts in the status bar, tool tips for the icons, Instructions for every dialog. WinOLS keeps you informed which every step. Furthermore you can download the entire documentation as PDF here.


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